To become a member of, it will cost $20.00 per month for a monthly membership, or a total of $155.00 a year for an annual membership if you would like to have access to only the United States based records. You will need to have an Intel Mac that runs at leas OS X 10.5 to be able to use this software. What does it all cost? The Family Tree Maker for Mac costs about $70.00 (and comes with an automatic six month free membership). This software is a very valuable tool to go along with a membership to. The Mac version is being called “equivalent” to the 2010 Windows version of the Family Tree Maker software. Members of get a six month free subscription to the Family Tree Maker program. You can make slideshows, charts, timelines, and a lot more. Once the information has been uploaded, you can put it together in a book, and publish that book. What does the Family Tree Maker do? It lets users add information about their own heritage, and about their own family to the website. Finally, people who have Mac computers can take full advantage their membership. This is the Mac version of the Family Tree Maker that was already available to members who were using PC computers. Something exciting has come to members of the website! It’s called Family Tree Maker for Mac.